Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

High shutter speed photography

posting by Wieta di 9:43 PM 0 comment
High Speed Photography (HSP) is the science of taking pictures of very fast phenomena. In 1948, the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) defined high-speed photography as any set of photographs captured by a camera capable of 128 frames per second or greater and of at least three consecutive frames.
In common usage, High  speed photography may refer to either or both of the following meanings. The first is that the photograph itself may be taken in a way as to appear to freeze the motion, especially to reduce motion blur. The second is that a series of photographs may be taken at a high sampling frequency or frame rate.
The first requires a sensor with good sensitivity and either a very good shuttering system or a very fast light. The second requires some means of capturing successive frames, either with a mechanical device or by moving data off electronic sensors very quickly.

sample photo

source:: www.digitalpicturezone.com

Basic Technique Digital Photography "Depth Of Field"

posting by Wieta di 6:55 PM 0 comment

Literally Depth of Field (DOF) means depth of field. In the world of photography, DOF is technically means the range or variation of the distance between the camera with the subject of the picture to produce variations in sharpness (focus) images that can still be accepted (no blur). In other words, DOF is used to indicate a particular room in the photos that get special attention by the eye because of differences in sharpness (focus)
In general, Depth Of Field is affected by 3 things:The main focus of the camera distance
Width sharp space proportional to the square of the distance of the object. If we change the distance between the camera with the object of 3x (even further - by sliding the camera back from its original position) then the width of the space will be sharply 9x original width.Aperture diaphragm
Width sharp space proportional to the diaphragm. Example: if the diaphragm is raised 2 stops from f / 8 to f/16, then the width of a sharp space will be 2x the original width.Focal length lens used
The width of the space is inversely sharp focal length of the square. In other words, the width of a sharp space will be 4x the original width if we change the lens from 100mm to 50mm (the lens focal length and a half from the original).The more wide-angle lens, the more extensive region of space sharpness. This means that when the camera is zoom out, objects that we shoot will be increasingly free to move forward or backward within a certain distance from the camera and still look sharp / focus. Sharp narrow space in telephoto shots, also called narrow DoF, while sharp wide space in the wide shots called DoF also extensive.
The more open the aperture, the more narrow region of space sharpness. This means, set the focus in lighting situations that less is more problematic because the diaphragm must be opened wide and the object will not be free to move closer or away from the camera because it will be out of focus (out of focus).
The combination of telephoto (zoom in all the way) and the diaphragm is opened wide, will lead to sharply narrow space. One example, when shooting telephoto (tight shot) a singer who did a concert at night with minimal lighting, we must be careful in adjusting the focus, as there are few singer moves closer or away from the camera, then he will be easy to out of focus.

source: http://www.arielz.net/fotografi/teknik-dasar-fotografi-depth-of-field

Macro photo with the object "inanimate objects"

posting by Wieta di 6:51 PM 0 comment
colorful cube

Most of us, if you want motret macro, the selected object is a mini-sized living things,such as dragonflies, caterpillars, ants, insects etc.  The result was amazing. Becauseour eyes are accustomed to seeing animals in a mini size. When photographed withthe macro techniquesurprise! details-details look clear and amazing! However, toproduce macro photographs with the object of animal life, it is not easy. a lot ofstruggles there.

wooden sandals that are not used 

Well, in fact, macro images can also be for capture in order highlightdetails or mengekpos beauty of these objects. The question? what objects are worthyand fotogenic to being the object of the macro picture? if the camera manuals book,usually the often used example is the coin but actually, the type of object that can be made the object of a lot.  there are no standards or criteria for it . It all depends, we as a carpenter his photograph.

apet a rusty old bolts 
The easiest way is to determine what "things" we want to highlight. select a colorfulobject if we want to highlight the color of the rough select objects, if we want topromote texture.

Neon pole of corrosive

Technically, capture macro with inanimate objects, more easily  because we caninteract freely. (without the fear she had run away or fly). But still, the standard rules inmacro photography we should meet, for example:

1. use the smallest aperture
2. use a tripod (for more precision and no blur)
3. use a macro lens / macro adapter
4. Use the flash, if we want to create with light.

Lighting techniques

posting by Wieta di 6:36 PM 0 comment
The term photography is a combination of two Greek words phos (light) and graphe (a line or figure). So the factors of light plays an important role in photography.A photo will look beautiful if you get a pretty good light. All we do in setting aperture, shutter speed and ISO is actually referring to the effort to get enough light.Light such as what to expect in a shooting actually depends on what impression you want generated and how the expected composition of light and shadow in the photo.To start, to be aware of light are:

  1. Intensity, how strong the light. A very strong light will create a clear image (harsh) while the weak light that will cause the soft shadows (soft). In the shooting outside the room, natural light (sun) will be available from the rising of the sun to dusk , while light with high intensity will be obtained at 9:00 a.m. to 15:00.
  2. Direction of light, this will berpenguh on metering and composition hilight and shadow on the object. The direction of the light coming clearly will affect the direction and size of the shadow. At the photo shoot models, the direction of the light also affect the expression of the model.
  3. Spectrum, or the number of 'color' that is contained in the light. Light yellowish-white sunlight is actually a combination of many colors of the spectrum, some of whom you may remember as mejikuhibniu rainbow range of colors, but actually the sunlight spectrum is wider than that.
The source of lighting in photography can be divided into:

  1. Available Light (ambient), the light that exists or is available at the time of shooting, whether in the form of natural light (sunlight) or artificial light such as lamps or candles that are not reserved for the purpose of shooting.
  2. Artificial light, ie light that deliberately held for the purpose of shooting. This type of lighting distinguished into 2 types, namely:
  • Continuous source, namely the continuous light source is lit, such as spot lights (light studio)
  •  Uncontinuous source, namely a light source that lights up only for a moment while shooting, usually a flash

Selective focus

posting by Wieta di 6:15 PM 0 comment

In the basic techniques of taking pictures using a DSLR camera, there is a techniquecalled selective focus. Images produced from this technique in the form of her front andrear blurnya object in the image, while remaining focused on its center.
How simple to use selective techniques focus on DLSR camera lens kit:Find min 3 objects lined

  1. Use the enlargement / zoming on the lens with a maximum rate, if the lens kit atnumber 55
  2. started doing speed and aperture settings, aperture diaphragm slightly enlarged.
  3. after doing the above techniques, find the focus of images on the center until the object on 
  4. the front and rear memblur. Sample images with this technique can beviewed in addition. It can be seen, amid the shoes do not have blur, while the front andrear shoes menglami blur effects.

Tips for sharper images

posting by Wieta di 12:00 AM 0 comment
Produces sharp images razor-sharp photography is the desire of many lovers, and a variety of camera features and additional accessories are created to help us produce these sharp images. From a tripod, stabilizer (lens or camera) to the photo editor software is equipped tool to sharpen the final image.

This article will summarize a few tips for your sharper photos, please:

1. How to hold the camera

How to hold the camera very influential on the stability of the camera (read: the sharpness of the image), read how to hold the camera is good.

2. Shutter Speed.

If you speed up the shutter speed, then you will get a sharp photo. Remember the standard rules for sharp images when you are shooting handheld: "use a shutter speed faster than your lens focal length." Look penjabarannya:

* If the length of your lens 50mm, potretlah with a shutter speed of 1 / 60 second or faster
* If the length of your 100mm lens, use a shutter speed of 1 / 125 second or faster
* If the length of your 200mm lens, use a shutter speed of 1 / 250 second or faster

3. Aperture

Aperture affects depth of field (focus area in your photo). Reducing the aperture (increase the number, for example you choose f/22) will add depth of field, meaning a sharp areas in the bigger picture will include objects near and far, so the sharpness of the picture as a whole actually decreased.
So do otherwise, choose a large aperture (small number, eg f / 4), then you will focus sharply only near the focal area. Choosing a large aperture that lets you get a faster shutter speed.

4. ISO

Adding ISO will speed up the shutter speed and lets you choose a larger aperture. If you take pictures in the room, larger was the ISO, but do not overdo it (ie: select ISO 600 for shooting inside the house). select the ISO is too high (above 800), can cause noise (small black spots) in an image starts to look.

5. Focus

Do not just believe with autofocus camera, check carefully to use the eyes in the eyes of your focal point is located. When photographing the face at close range, make sure the focus fell diarea eye. When photographing an object, make sure the focus was there where you want the sharpest area. Autofocus camera could be wrong and it dropped the focus in addition to objects that you want.

6. Lens

If you happen to have a SLR camera, choose the best lens you can buy. The lens of good quality can drastically improve the sharpness of your photo. KIT lens that is usually offered for sale as a complete package with the camera is usually the quality of his effort. My advice, if you are just going to buy a SLR camera, buy it separately from the camera (body only) and the lens. Do not buy a package of KIT. Lens with good quality is usually characterized by a large aperture (eg f/2.8).

7. Sweet Spot Lens

The lens has its sweet spot respectively. Sweet spot is certain where the lens aperture will produce the sharpest images. Sweet spot lens two stops are usually located above the maximum limit the ability of the lens aperture. For example, f/2.8 lens for the sweet spot was on the f/5.6. So if you use f/5.6 aperture lens taking pictures with it, your photo will be sharp razor-sharp.

8. Tripod

Tripod is impractical and inconvenient, but if you are "willing to" bring it, you'll get sharper photos. Especially if you want to generate HDR or panoramic photos, just let it go bring a tripod.

source:: http://belajarfotografi.com

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Silhouette shooting tips

posting by Wieta di 11:55 PM 0 comment
The silhouette is a photo with the main object of total darkness with a bright background, so that is visible is the shape of the main object earlier. Photographing the silhouette is not as difficult as imagined, as long as you know the steps and tips him. Please:  

1. Turn off Flash

The first and foremost is the flash on the camera should be turned off, otherwise you will get regular photos (because its main object is not so dark). So turn off your flash dikamera

2. Find the right lighting conditions (backlight)

To generate a silhouette, the background you need more light than the main object. That is why most of silhouette images when the sunset or sunrise done, where the sun (light source) is behind the object that you want the photo (backlighting). But do not limit yourself, silhouette image can be produced at any time, in essence, you just have to find a background that is lighter than the main object.
Look for an object that looks interesting

Photo silhouette will really show form the main object, therefore, look for objects with interesting shapes and has a strong character. Note the photo above, because the main object (fish finder) lose detail and become very dark, the shape it will be more exposed. We can see clearly the limits of the curve of the fisherman's body shape, the form of nets and their frames until the droplets of water coming out of the net. You can also try with another object.

3. Find the appropriate background

To get a silhouette you should find a lighter background. Try also to get an interesting background, but also not crowded so that the main object seen very prominent. The sky and the beach is a favorite example.

4. Measure exposure to the right (manual / auto)

Wherever possible use the manual mode eskposur. Set metering in spot metering. Perform measurements in the background of the most light. In the example photo above to measure the light the sky above my helmet. Change the combination of aperture and shutter speed according to the results of your metering, particularly in the aperture make sure you set your own (large aperture for the background is somewhat blurry and small aperture for the sharp background). After you set the aperture and shutter speed selected, point the camera to the main object. Arrange h3 and determine the best focus on the main object and then snap ....

If you can not use the manual mode, use auto mode. Point the camera towards the brightest area, in the example above is to the sky above the fish finder, Click your shutter half (do not push the full), then hold the shutter is not released. Then point the camera to your main object and then snap.

5. Do not be afraid to try

Try a combination of aperture and shutter speed are different if you fail at the first opportunity. Try also experimenting with the object and your environment, do not just stare at the sunset and sunrise, because the silhouette image can be produced anywhere

20 Tips for Short Photography

posting by Wieta di 11:44 PM 0 comment

  1. To practice your panning skills, capture the object was moving at normal speed (people ride motorcycles, for example), use the shutter priority mode and sets a maximum shutter speed of 1 / 30 second, slower is better. Watch your background!
  2. For macro shooting (super close range), activate your Live View digital camera for easier check depht of field and focus.
  3. CPL Filter (polarization) is very useful to eliminate the reflection of sunlight on water and glass, and also serves to improve the color of the sky. Have you ever wore sunglasses with a polariser?
  4. When photographing children, make sure you focus on the eye. Nothing can beat the beauty of the eyes of children.
  5. Megapixel is not the most important features of a camera, the size of the most important feature sensor
  6. For portait photo (face) out of the room, try when the weather is cloudy. If not, look for the dim areas and not exposed to direct sunlight. Sunlight makes harsh shadows on faces.
  7. When you take pictures in low light conditions and trouble using autofocus, switch to manual focus. Dikamera autofocus feature is usually long enough to find points of focus in dim conditions. 
  8. For silhouette image, make sure you turn off the flash and use the sunset mode (for a pocket camera), for SLR use manual mode and measure the exposure in bright areas behind the object. 
  9. Download the pdf version of the manual for your camera, so you easily perform a quick search for the word you want to know than to flip through pages of paper.
  10. Before leaving for photographing, double check your camera settings, do not let you mneggunakan incorrect settings (photographing landscape with ISO 1000 for example). According to the pro photographer, that checks whether the sequence is the following: check the White Balance - set Highlight feature warning - check the ISO setting - check the size of your image resolution.
  11. Format the memory card in the camera only, never format a memory card computer. In addition to much faster and easier too far safer if you do it on camera.
  12.  If you have excess capacity of hard disks in computers and like to do photo editing, use RAW format when taking pictures, if not just use JPG.
  13. If you really like landscape photography, Photograph in the following hours: from 5 pm to 8 am, and from 4 o'clock until 7 o'clock in the afternoon.
  14. When taking pictures, look at the brightest area that comes into your viewfinder. If the light is too conspicuous than other areas, change the shooting angle.
  15. To capture HDR, use the auto bracket mode. One more: for a great landscape photograph HDR, wait until it appears a bit cloudy, and start shooting. To capture HDR, use the auto bracket mode. One more: for a great landscape photograph HDR, wait until it appears a bit cloudy, and start shooting.
  16. If you buy a lens or camera used, make sure you do a transaction with the seller directly meet. You must examine the goods, hold and try it
  17. Extent possible, use an ISO setting as low as possible. Although noise reduction can reduce the noise generated by high ISO, but will reduce the overall image detail. 
  18. If the color makes your photo is too "busy" and crowded, change your photo into black and white photos
  19. To produce a good black and white photos, note the contrast in your photo. More and more contrast (dark and bright areas are diverse), the better your black and white photos. 
  20. Bring a camera wherever you go, the quickest way to improve your photography is by extending the hours of flying, there's nothing better.

    source:: http://belajarfotografi.com



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